Thursday, March 24, 2011

If you wish abundance, appreciate life.

There are six principles of abundant living which, when woven together,
produce a tapestry of contentment that wraps us in inner peace,
well-being, happiness, and a sense of security.  First there is gratitude.
When we do a mental and spiritual inventory of all that we have, we realize
that we are very rich indeed.  Gratitude gives way to simplicity--the desire
to clear out, pare down, and realize the essentials of what we need to live
truly well.  Simplicity brings with it order, both internally and externally.
A sense of order in our life brings us harmony.  Harmony provides us with the
inner peace we need to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us each day,
and beauty opens us to joy.  But just as with any beautiful needlepoint
tapestry, it is difficult to see where one stitch ends and another beings.
Sarah Ban Breathnach

People individually and collectively are entitled to life in all abundance.
El Dorado, a country rich beyond all precedent in gold and jewels, lies
at every person's door.  Your bonanza lies under your feet.  Your luck is
already at hand.  All is within; nothing is without.
Herbert Seibert

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