Sunday, March 13, 2011

Xooma Review - Scam Or Legit Opportunity? Come see for yourself

Are you considering whether or not you should join Xooma and take advantage of this money making opportunity? Surely you are aware of the many offers out there that promise to hold the answer for starting your own business. So how can you know for sure if Xooma is a legitimate opportunity, or if you should consider something else? These are questions that you need answered. This review will give you the facts and the truth about this company and its products and opportunity.
What is Xooma?
Xooma is the creation of Dan Putnam. The company sells energy drink products with the options of making money as a distributor. There are nine different streams of income possible with the compensation plan , and you are able to make money as far down as 8 levels in your downline. Although it costs only $9.99 to join, the best place to begin is the starter package at $25, so that you can begin making commissions right away. This gives you access to one case of the company's product as well.
The Compensation Plan
As you recruit more people into the business and they also begin to consume the product, you make money off of the volume you sell as your business grows. In addition to this, the infinity bonus allows you to make money on the sales volume of your downline, no matter how deep it is. For example, if you have a total sales volume in your Matrix of $10,000 per month, then you can make an additional 3% of all of the sales volume under your 12 level. In all, you have the possibility to make as much as 13% of the Sales volume under your 12 level Matrix.
There are many other volume bonuses in the Xooma business that can really begin to add up after a while. Not only that, the product is something people can consume for the entire time that they are in the business, which means that market saturation is much less of a problem. However, there are some things you will want to consider before getting involved with Xooma.
The Truth Revealed
The first challenge is that you are going to work very hard and long before you build up the volume that is needed for you to make a lot of money. Second, have you got some spare time outside of your day job? You are going to need to it. In order to achieve even mediocre levels of success you'll basically need to be prospecting everyone you know, and actively networking to meet new people to sell the Xooma product and/or the Xooma business opportunity to. If this is not something you are comfortable doing, then you may want to consider other options.
Is Xooma a legitimate product and business opportunity? Yes. But you have to ask yourself how you want to spend your days. If you're looking for a way to make large up front commissions AND build a residual income stream, all using the leverage the internet and systems that can be 97% automated, you'll want to continue your research. These companies are a much better option if you really want to leave that job of your forever, and make some serious money from home.

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