Friday, April 29, 2011

What is pH and why does yours matter?

pH Balance: What is pH and why does yours matter?
pH is one of the most important things your need to learn about in terms of health or disease.  In order for your body’s cells to function at peak capacity, your body needs to ensure that its pH levels-especially your blood-are in a slightly alkaline state (that means with a pH of slightly more than 7). 
Ph=the measure of hydrogen and oxygen ions (electrically charges particles) in a solution.  Your blood, urine, saliva, digestive juices, mucus, and the fluids inside and outside your cells each have an optimum pH level.  While your digestive juices are quite acidic, your blood must be slightly alkaline.  Why should your blood be slightly alkaline? 
One of its jobs is to carry oxygen-the basis for most of the biochemical reactions that sustain life-to cells in your body, so your blood has to be alkaline.  Your body will buffer the acidity of your blood at all costs-your body won’t let your blood become acidic and therefore unable to carry oxygen-or you won’t survive. 
Your body does this buffering by pulling alkaline minerals (especially calcium) from your saliva, soft tissues, and bones.  Despite the constant buffering, many of your body fluids may be more acidic than they should be. A shortage of buffering agents, particularly dietary minerals like the ones found in Xtreme X2O, can make it a challenge for your body to maintain the pH it prefers. Alkaline conditions maintain your body’s ability to rebuild and repair itself, while an acidic environment ensures that your body will break down faster. 

You are strong enough to love yourself 100%.

One of the most common words in the invalidating, self-blaming
stories we believe about ourselves or our situations is the
word “should.”  The psychologist Albert Ellis has coined the
phrase “Stop shoulding on yourself.”  When you tell yourself that you
should feel or be another way, you are likely to feel bad
about yourself.  As an alternative, try telling yourself that
it is okay to feel or be the way you are, even though you
have some idea that you should feel or be different.

Bill O’Hanlon
There comes a time when you have to stand up and shout:
This is me damn it!  I look the way I look, think the way I think,
feel the way I feel, love the way I love!  I am a whole
complex package.  Take me... or leave me.  Accept me - or walk away!
Do not try to make me feel like less of a person, just because I don't
fit your idea of who I should be and don't try to change me
to fit your mold.  If I need to change, I alone will make that decision.
When you are strong enough to love yourself 100%, good and bad--
you will be amazed at the opportunities that life presents you.
Stacey Charter

Thursday, April 28, 2011

FocusUP - Now You CAn Turn Your Energy"Up" When You Need It!


Optimize the art of acceptance.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How much do you know about Minerals and your Body?

Mineralization: What once was, is no longer.
Dr. Linus Pauling, the late, two-time Noble Prize winner, said, “You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.”  Yet most people think about vitamins, amino acids, and essential fats before even giving a second thought to the essentiality of minerals. 
Xtreme X2O contains calcium, magnesium, and over 70 trace minerals.  These essential minerals become ionic in water allowing them to be absorbed quickly and easily by your body. 
Minerals play almost innumerable roles within your body.  Aside from being a part of nearly every enzymatic process in the body, minerals are required for the manufacture of and are part of cellular membranes and connective tissue, including muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, bones, and soft tissues such as veins, arteries, and brain tissue. 
Some minerals also function as electrolytes (calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, sulfate, and phosphate), acting as buffering agents that protect the body’s tissue from excess acidity, which more often comes from our own poor lifestyle choices. 
The problem is that too many of us may actually be deficient in numerous minerals due to the fact that these minerals just aren’t found in high enough quantities in the foods that we consume.  Researchers from the University of Texas published a study in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition that showed that the nutrients in fruits and vegetables (including minerals calcium, potassium, and iron) have diminished quite extensively since 1950. 
We live in a time were technology has allowed us to tinker with the genetic components of fruits and vegetables and in the process create huge strawberries that deliver very little in taste to broccoli that contains half the calcium and magnesium of its older cousins.   The following are just a few examples of how important the minerals found in Xtreme X2O really are.
  • Calcium:  is considered the king of minerals because calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body (teeth and bones contain 99% of the body’s calcium).  When one thinks of calcium they think of bone health; however, calcium is also essential to proper muscle contraction-especially where you heart is concerned, cellular communication through nerve transmission, and the release of hormones.  Research shows that proper calcium intake (supplementation) can make a modest improvement in lowering your risk of osteoporosis and fractures.
  • Magnesium:  Research published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition shows that more than half (68%) of Americans are deficient in magnesium, because they don’t consume the government’s recommended daily intake of 420 mg.  Aside from the fact that magnesium is required for calcium absorption and bone integrity, this mineral also helps maintain proper blood sugar levels and is required in more than 300 biochemical reactions-involved in every step the body uses to produce energy. 

Each day we can wake up and choose to see life as a gift .


How much do you truly know about the water you're drinking daily?

Hydration: Water you made of?
Your brain and muscles are three-quarters water.  Your blood and lungs are more than 80 percent water.  Even your bones are one-quarter water.  Anyway you look at it, you are mostly water!  Yet most people take water for granted.  Many health researchers and medical experts now believe that water-not just fluid-is essential to our health and well-being, and is one of the keys to slowing down the aging process and helping us lose excess body fat.  Next to oxygen, water is unquestionably the most important nutrient for sustaining life. 
According to Dr. Batmanghelidj, MD-best-selling author of Your Body’s Many cries for Water-the following symptoms are your body’s main indicators of dehydration:
  • Feeling tired when it is not the result of strenuous work (in its extreme form, chronic fatigue)
  • Excessive hunger and cravings
  • Feeling flushed
  • Feeling irritable and easily angered
  • Feeling anxious without a justified cause
  • Feeling depressed
Intensive exercise can cause a person to lose 5 to 8 pounds of fluid through perspiration, evaporation, and exhalation.  Studies show that for every pound of fluid lost, there is a significant drop in the efficiency with which the body produces energy.  Most energy is produced in tiny little power plants within our cells called mitochondria.  Our cells are completely dependent upon mitochondria to sustain life by generating energy.  The fact remains that water is imperative in the creation of energy.  In fact, ATP has to be broken down by water in order to generate energy.  So, as you can see, a low water environment means inadequate energy production. 
Water may also be an important way to control hunger pangs.  In other words, when you feel hungry, you may actually be thirsty.  Thus, by keeping yourself properly hydrated, you can avoid false cravings for food. 
The great thing about Xtreme X2O is that it actually makes the water “wetter” by lowering the surface tension of water molecules, which dramatically increases your water’s ability to hydrate your body at a cellular level.  When pure minerals are added to purified or distilled water in a sachet (“tea bag”) form like Xtreme X2O, the minerals can be ionized efficiently and made available to your body.  (This means the mineral oxides are released in the water to form hydroxide ions (OH-), which increases the pH of the water.) 

Meeting Ourselves .


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Forgiving yourself is one of the keys to a new life.

Forgive yourself for everything that was and start living for tomorrow. Create the destiny that you truly know you’re capable of.

The power to create the best you and the best life possible for tomorrow is in this moment. You can find the strength within to use the key of forgiveness to let go of the past and move into the future with a new perspective and an abundant appreciation for this fresh start. You have the opportunity to create an outcome for your life that’s of your choosing.

This is true no matter what your current situation. Say, for instance, you’re aware that you’re an alcoholic, a drug addict, a compulsive gambler, or an abusive person, but you’ve decided that you don’t want that. Forgive yourself by accepting that you’re capable of making changes, and then take control. Use the power of your mind to say:

I’m strong. I do deserve a new start. It’s okay to be me. It’s okay to have had my experiences. I accept that this is how I’ve lived, and I’m aware of how it has affected me. I forgive myself now for living that life, and I choose to never go back to it. I will break the patterns and cycles of the past.

You’re not letting yourself off the hook and telling yourself that it’s okay to be an alcoholic, a drug addict, a compulsive gambler, or an abusive person. You’re not giving yourself permission to do any of that again, believing it doesn’t matter. What you are doing is letting yourself know that the past is over and it’s okay for you to have experienced what you did because you learned your lesson. Now that it’s completely understood, you’re never going back there again. You’re not going to repeat these patterns. You’ve changed, and it’s okay to move on.

You can be happy with yourself. You can enjoy peace because you choose to no longer be controlled by your ego. It’s okay to be you. It’s good to love and forgive yourself for everything that was and start living for tomorrow. Create the destiny that you truly know you’re capable of.

You can become the person you want to be. You can change—if you do the work. Even if you’ve been very negative and hurtful, you can choose to transform and not be like that any longer. You can become a committed, honest, loving, compassionate individual; you never have to go back and re-create negativity in your life or the lives of others. Tell yourself:

I no longer live in that mind-set. I no longer think those thoughts. I’m no longer controlled by my ego’s presence. I forgive myself for negative choices of the past by living in honesty today. I now choose to live in truth.
What does it mean to live in truth? It means to live honestly at all levels. It’s not just about what you say; it’s about thoughts, actions, and the way you live. This involves authenticity—to live in alignment with who you know your true self to be. What you’ll receive is very empowering. You become free to live and explore the truth of who you really are as you move toward the future. You’re at liberty to change, develop, and go further in you own life within your own true spirit and mind.
By Denise Marek.Nature_124


A scanning electron microscope image of normal...Image via Wikipedia

"THE FIGHT OF A LIFE TIME"                                                               

It’s no secret that your body’s immune system is a critical component to your overall health and well-being. Your personal health is often a direct reflection of how effective (or ineffective) your immune system is at protecting you from the never-ending exposure and attacks it receives from bacteria and viruses.
Have you ever stopped to think about the type of dangerous and unhealthy microorganisms that might be lurking in these common places?

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