Wednesday, February 15, 2012

"Optimize" Did you know that drinking just one daily soda can put 15 pounds of extra weight on you in one year?

Did you know that drinking just one daily soda can put 15 pounds of extra weight on you in one year?
That sobering statistic was discovered by the Harvard School of Public Health, in a study published in 2006 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. For those with arthritis, weight gain means added pressure on aching hips and knees. But there’s more bad news. The phosphorus in soda is suspected of causing calcium loss. That’s an essential bone-building mineral people with arthritis can’t afford to lose!
1. The origins of soda. Today’s carbonated soft drinks have little in common with theContinue reading 
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Antioxidants: What are they?

Xooma Blast is loaded with Antioxidants!

  • Powerful natural antioxidant complex offering an ORAC value equal to 5 servings of fruits and vegetables
  • 1.5 servings of REAL whole food derived fruits and vegetables in every packet

The enemy: Free Radicals

Free radicals are the by-products of a normal and necessary event- the burning of oxygen by cells in your body to produce energy. These by-products are damaged molecules. They are missing an electron, and they ‘want’ one badly…badly enough to attack any nearby molecule get it. If they take electrons from important components in your body, such as DNA (your body’s master plan for reproducing cells) or from protein or fat, they do damage to those cells and precipitate health problems. Not only that, when a free radical reacts with a non-radical, a free radical chain reaction results and new free radicals are formed, compounding the problem. Over time, the cumulative effects of free radicals can contribute to premature aging and certain diseases such as artery and heart disease, arthritis, cataracts, and cancer. Free radicals can also be caused by environmental factors such as pollution, smoking, and ultraviolet light.

The hero: Antioxidants

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