Monday, February 28, 2011

MENTORING FOR FREE!!!!! Don't get left behind!

From: Michael Dlouhy
Tuesday, 3:25 am

Dear Network Marketing Friend,

Big promise, isn't it?MLM Mentors Linda & Michael Dlouhy

You bet. But there's more.

MLM is a wonderful industry, but it has one ENORMOUS failing.

New people do not get trained.

They're like babies left in the woods. No hope of survival.

If that is you, then we can help. I commit to you that we will mentor you to become successful & profitable in this business, no matter what company you are with.

We'll train you to build BIG in Network Marketing with ANY MLM company. I'll personally train you & ALL your people on the phone, live & interactive, 5 nights a week. Phone call details CLICK HERE. You will learn EXACTLY, step-by-step, how to build a huge residual income with any company.

You get it all FREE!

Our conference calls NEVER mention a company name. We NEVER say a product name. I train you to NEVER close a sale. I train you to NEVER recruit. But you will learn how to build a huge residual income.

People I respect have told me I'm nuts to give this all away. Ah, well ... no one's perfect. exists because to feel good about myself, I need to help others be successful in MLM. Nothing else does it for me.

Linda & I failed forward for 12 years before I found my own MLM mentor. This man has made many, many MILLIONS of dollars in network marketing. He once recruited 100,000 people in just over 2 years ... back BEFORE the internet days!

I've read every one of his books, listened to every one of his tapes.

He has spent countless hours over 14 years, tutoring me one-on-one ... even when I wasn't in his company and hadn't joined his downline.

This man is a mentor with a servant's heart. He is a shining beacon of what you and I can be.

My goal is to help YOU, just as Tom "Big Al" Schreiter has helped me.

CLICK HERE to read "Big Al"'s MLM Success Story

If I can do that, I'll be happy. Who knows? Maybe some day, you & I WILL wind up working together.

Briefly, here's my MLM philosophy:

Don't sell.

Don't recruit.

Don't say ONE doggone word to family & friends!

Build People. People will build your business.

That's what I've learned, and that's my advice to you. Look for someone who is looking for you. THEY will build your MLM business. Once you're rocking & rolling, THEN go back and pick up family & friends.

We've been mentoring ANYONE in network marketing for free for more years than I can remember. Linda & I have been in MLM 26 years, full-time since 1991.

Light up someone's life.


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Let go of worrying and blame.


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Every moment you have a choice.

Every moment you have a choice.

Everything you know is based on what has already happened in your life. And yet, your only influence right now is over things that have not yet happened. The things that have already happened have gotten you to where you are right now. What you need to be concerned with, however, is where to go from here.

Because you're so intimately familiar with your own past, it may seem that you have no choice but to continue moving in the same direction as before. But that is not true. Your future does not equal your past. Right now, there are an infinite number of paths which you can take. The one you're currently on is only one of them. Any of the rest are available to you.

If you're completely satisfied with where you're going, then by all means keep on going that way. But there is no reason in the world why you have to keep following that same path if it is not bringing you full and lasting fulfillment.

Every moment you have a choice, regardless of what has happened before. Choose right now to move forward, positively and confidently into your incredible future.

-Author Unknown Mountains

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Friday, February 25, 2011

Optimize How to Be Positive .


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Yes, Identity Theft Can Happen to You! By Gerry Copenhaver

Many articles have been written about ID theft but what many people fail to understand is that they are not immune, even if they have been cautious with their pertinent information. Identity thieves are using more and more methods to obtain information, some of them are very crude while others are highly sophisticated. This article explores a few of the nefarious uses a stolen identity is used for and offers some common sense preventative measures.

One of the simplest forms of ID theft is from your checking account. You do not have to have stolen checks to be the victim of this scheme. Anything that has your checking account number on it can be used to steal your money. All the thief has to know is which bank the account is from. The way it works is simple. Popular software such as Quicken, VersaCheck, Quickbooks, Checksoft and others are used to make checks "from scratch". The thief uses your account number and your bank's routing number to write a check in someone else's name. This name usually matches the ID of someone who is paid to cash checks for the ID thief (they rarely ever use their own information). When the check is presented it goes through the check verification process without any problems, even the scanner that reads the magnetic ink on the bottom of the check. In a moment your hard earned money is in someone else's pocket.

In order to prevent this from happening you must be extremely cautious of anything that asks for your account number, whether in person or online. Use your debit card at the check out stand. If you must write a check use the computerized check that allows you not to actually turn over a physical check to the attendant. If you must hand over a physical check then do not leave the register until you see your check put into the proper location in the register.

The other common targets for your information are you garbage and your mail. The solution for the garbage is simple; make sure that you never throw away anything that hasn't been shredded if it contains any personal information whatsoever. As for the mail; this is a little more difficult in some circumstances. If you are using an old fashioned mail box such as on a rural route, consider changing to a mailbox service instead. It is just as easy for a thief to drive up and take your mail as it is for the mailman to drive up and leave it in your box. Driving to a mailbox "store" may be a little more of a hassle, but not nearly the hassle you will have if you have to try to clean up the mess an ID thief will make of your life if they get your information.

One of the things you really need to look out for is to make sure your address is always up to date AND correct. Mislabeled mail is to blame for much information falling into the wrong hands. This may sound simple but it happens daily and is the source of untold problems for the victims. Make sure your mail gets to you where you are now. Banks and other financial institutions should be updated directly. Do not rely on the postal service to forward your mail. Go into most large apartment complexes and see the number of mislabeled envelopes sitting out for anyone to grab because they were put into the wrong box. Sometimes this is the error of the postal carrier, but more often it is mail from someone who was never updated on the recipients new address.

The watchwords are caution and awareness. It might sound like overkill but do not allow your information out of your sight, regardless of how innocent it might seem. Be aware of who you are giving your information to, and, more specifically, why you are giving it to them.

The old adage is that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. That has never been more true than today.

We live in a "Yes" Universe.

We live in a "Yes" Universe.

I’ve learned there are really just two mental patterns that contribute to our troubles: fear and anger. Anger can show up as impatience, irritation, frustration, criticism, resentment, jealousy, or bitterness. These are all thoughts that poison the body. When we release this burden all the organs of our body begin to function properly. Fear could be tension, anxiety, nervousness, worry, doubt, feeling not good enough or unworthiness. Do you relate to any of this? We must learn to substitute faith for fear if we’re to heal.

Faith in what? Faith in Life! I believe we live in a "Yes" Universe. No matter what we choose to believe or think or say, the Universe always says "yes" to us. If we think poverty, the Universe says "yes" to that. If we think prosperity, the Universe say "yes" to that. It's up to us! The Universe wants us to experience anything we desire. So let's say "yes" to all good. Be a "yes" person, living in a "yes" world being responded to by a "yes" Universe.

So how do you love yourself? First of all and most importantly: Cease all criticism of yourself and others. Accept yourself as you are. Praise yourself as much as you can. Criticism breaks down the inner spirit, praise builds it up. Look into a mirror often and simply say: I LOVE YOU, I REALLY LOVE YOU. It may be difficult at first, but keep practicing and soon you will mean and feel what you say. Love yourself as much as you can and all of life will mirror this love back to you.

Louise L. HayNature_Mountains_640x480_054

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Top 10 Ways to Raise Your Consciousness by Ronya Banks


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Letting Go


Letting Go

Here’s a poem I wrote some years ago, but it still pertains to our lives today. May you find peace in these words:
To "let go" does not mean to stop caring,
it means I can’t do it for someone else.
To "let go" is not to cut myself off,
it’s the realization I can’t control another.
To "let go" is not to enable, but to allow
learning from natural consequences.
To "let go" is to admit powerlessness,
which means the outcome is not in my hands.
To "let go" is not to try to change or blame another,
it is to make the most of myself.
To "let go" is not to care for, but to care about. 

To "let go" is not to fix, but to be supportive.
To "let go" is not to judge, but to allow another to be a 
human being.
To "let go" is not to be in the middle arranging all the
but to allow others to affect their own destinies.
To "let go" is not to be protective, it is to permit another  

to face reality.
To "let go" is not to deny, but to accept.
To "let go" is not to nag, scold or argue, but instead
to search out my own shortcomings and correct them.
To "let go" is not to adjust everything to my desires,
but to take each day as it comes and cherish myself in it.
To "let go" is not to regret the past, but to grow and live 
for the future. 
To "let go" is to fear less and love more.



Standing for what you believe in,
Regardless of the odds against you,
and the pressure that tears at your resistance,
... means courage.

Keeping a smile on your face,
When inside you feel like dying,
For the sake of supporting others,
... means strength.

Stopping at nothing,
And doing what's in your heart,
You know is right,
... means determination.

Doing more than is expected,
To make another's life a little more bearable,
Without uttering a single complaint,
... means compassion.

Helping a friend in need,
No matter the time or effort,
To the best of your ability,
... means loyalty.

Giving more than you have,
And expecting nothing,
But nothing in return,
... means selflessness.

Holding your head high,
And being the best you know you can be
When life seems to fall apart at your feet,
Facing each difficulty with the confidence

That time will bring you better tomorrows,
And never giving up,

... means confidence

By : Author Unknown MOUNTAINS-1

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Monday, February 21, 2011

successin10steps By Mentoring for FR-EE

I do what I can to balance the scales. I choose to support with every
fiber of my body ANYONE who invests their hopes & dreams & life into
this industry. It makes my day to help keep their spark alive.

I will train anyone for free. No strings. I am not threatened by anyone or any
company in this industry.
But I do understand that they are threatened by me. Most STILL don’t take the
time and make the commitment to train their own people.

A word for the “Still Skeptical:” I get the skepticism. Really. But enough is
enough. Get over it. If you want to live your life distrusting everybody, then
your life is pretty much over, anyway. Goodbye, good luck. Don’t let the door hit
you in your butt on the way out.

For everyone else: Let’s get started!
Michael Dlouhy

If You Wish


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Heaven Within by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

"Powerful Networking Secrets!" by Mentoring for FR-EE

Brain-Rattling Headache #1:

You're talking to a prospect about business. You probably use a checklist or a script or some planned presentation. Sooner or later, you get to money.

Someone who has read my new ebook, "Powerful Networking Secrets!", would know within 2 minutes which of the 4 personality types they were dealing with. For instance: if you're talking with a Yellow personality, you'd know to NEVER focus on the money.

Instead, you must really, truly focus on how you can help them. 'We can be part of a team, we can help each other!' Those things may mean nothing to you, but they are critical to Yellow.

But you don't know that. So you just run through your presentation, focusing on the money. And your Yellow prospect concludes that you are a crass, cold individual, someone they would never do business with. They're indirect, so they won't just say 'No.' But they will put you off and put you off and put you off and waste your time and never do business with you.

And get this, that Yellow personality is 35% of the population!! So if your business presentation focuses on the money (pretty standard), you are blowing off over one-third of your prospects right from the get-go!

How's them apples?

Brain-Rattling Headache #2:

Your ideal life is to sit at home at your computer and have some webpage that makes you a lot of money. You know there are a ton of people doing just that. What could be better? No boss. No commute. No worry about gas prices. No lid on your earnings. Your office is 10 feet from the TV, 20 feet from the refrigerator. Perfect.

Best of all, you don't have to deal with a bunch of icky people. You just funnel them to your website and they buy your product and pay by credit card and the money goes right into your bank account. You don't need to see people or talk to them or deal with all their craziness ever again.

But here's the part you bust your brain trying to figure out: even though you know the internet is full of total dorks who've built some great, wildly profitable online business like this, it just isn't happening for YOU! You've tried 2 or 5 or 10 or 20 or 50 of them, and you've spent way more money than you've ever earned.

Why doesn't it work for you?

I don't know. But I do know this:

It NEVER will work for you! Never, never, never, never.

You absolutely can have that life of your dreams, but you won't get it by putting up some webpage and waiting for the money. It will never happen. You need to learn to deal with people. If you learn to talk with people, get good at building relationships with them, and then leverage that ability, then YOU are in control. And you can have anything you want.

If you don't learn to deal with people, then you'll never have what you want, and this headache will never end. Which leads you directly to ...

Brain-Rattling Headache #3:

you will read the rest in my next powerful network secrets blog post

or go here now!

OPtimize your Acceptance.


Friday, February 18, 2011

Optimize your Focuse! Focused less on what you need to do and more on what you need to be.
