Thursday, February 10, 2011

Optimize your Acceptance! The art of acceptance.

The art of acceptance.

I started to discover the meaning of happiness when I started
to discover--and practice--the art of acceptance.  When I started
to accept life for what it was and I started to accept whatever
situation I was in as the way things were, I started to see that
my happiness depended on my own attitude.  When I started focusing
on getting the most out of my life the way it was rather than trying
to turn it into what I thought it should be, I started to realize
that I was, indeed, becoming a much happier person.  Tom walsh

Therapists want to help us throw out what is unwanted and keep only
what is wanted.  But what is left may not be very much.  If we
try to throw away what we don’t want, we may throw away
most of ourselves.
   Instead of acting as if we can dispose of parts of ourselves, we should
learn the art of transformation.  We can transform our anger, for example,
into something more wholesome, like understanding.  We do not need surgery to
remove our anger.  If we become angry at our anger, we will have two angers
at the same time.  We only have to observe it with love and attention.
If we take care of our anger this way, without trying to run away from it,
it will transform itself.  This is peacemaking.  If we are peaceful in ourselves,
we can make peace with our anger.  We can deal with depression, anxiety,
fear, or any unpleasant feeling in the same way.  Thich Nhat Hanh.
Optimize your Acceptance! last day to get in on the DVD thing dont wait! or it will be to late!
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