Monday, February 7, 2011

Approach life through positive eyes.

We do a lot of vacillating between old ideas and new ways of thinking.
Be patient with yourself through this process.  Beating yourself up only
keeps you stuck.  It's better to build yourself up instead.  Anything you say
or think is an affirmation.  Really be aware of your thoughts and your words;
you might discover that a lot of them are very negative.  Many people tend
to approach life through negative eyes.  They take an ordinary situation like
a rainy day and say something like, "Oh what a terrible day."  It isn't
a terrible day.  It's a wet day.  To create a wonderful day sometimes takes
just a slight change in the way you look at it.  Be willing to let go of an old,
negative way that you look at something, and look at it in a new, positive way.
Louise L. Hay27180l
There is an old story about a man who wrote to the department
of agriculture in his state to find out how to cope with the crabgrass
that was spoiling his lawn.  The department responded with a number
of suggestions.  The man tried them all, but he could not completely
eliminate the crabgrass.  Exasperated, he wrote the department again,
noting that every method they had suggested had failed.  His yard
was still riddled with crabgrass.  He got back a short reply:
"We suggest you learn to love it."
   This is the art of reframing, redefining something so that it is
no longer as problematic.  It isn't the situation that is changed,
of course; it is your perspective on the situation.
Robert H. and Jeanette C. Lauer

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