Saturday, February 19, 2011

"Powerful Networking Secrets!" by Mentoring for FR-EE

Brain-Rattling Headache #1:

You're talking to a prospect about business. You probably use a checklist or a script or some planned presentation. Sooner or later, you get to money.

Someone who has read my new ebook, "Powerful Networking Secrets!", would know within 2 minutes which of the 4 personality types they were dealing with. For instance: if you're talking with a Yellow personality, you'd know to NEVER focus on the money.

Instead, you must really, truly focus on how you can help them. 'We can be part of a team, we can help each other!' Those things may mean nothing to you, but they are critical to Yellow.

But you don't know that. So you just run through your presentation, focusing on the money. And your Yellow prospect concludes that you are a crass, cold individual, someone they would never do business with. They're indirect, so they won't just say 'No.' But they will put you off and put you off and put you off and waste your time and never do business with you.

And get this, that Yellow personality is 35% of the population!! So if your business presentation focuses on the money (pretty standard), you are blowing off over one-third of your prospects right from the get-go!

How's them apples?

Brain-Rattling Headache #2:

Your ideal life is to sit at home at your computer and have some webpage that makes you a lot of money. You know there are a ton of people doing just that. What could be better? No boss. No commute. No worry about gas prices. No lid on your earnings. Your office is 10 feet from the TV, 20 feet from the refrigerator. Perfect.

Best of all, you don't have to deal with a bunch of icky people. You just funnel them to your website and they buy your product and pay by credit card and the money goes right into your bank account. You don't need to see people or talk to them or deal with all their craziness ever again.

But here's the part you bust your brain trying to figure out: even though you know the internet is full of total dorks who've built some great, wildly profitable online business like this, it just isn't happening for YOU! You've tried 2 or 5 or 10 or 20 or 50 of them, and you've spent way more money than you've ever earned.

Why doesn't it work for you?

I don't know. But I do know this:

It NEVER will work for you! Never, never, never, never.

You absolutely can have that life of your dreams, but you won't get it by putting up some webpage and waiting for the money. It will never happen. You need to learn to deal with people. If you learn to talk with people, get good at building relationships with them, and then leverage that ability, then YOU are in control. And you can have anything you want.

If you don't learn to deal with people, then you'll never have what you want, and this headache will never end. Which leads you directly to ...

Brain-Rattling Headache #3:

you will read the rest in my next powerful network secrets blog post

or go here now!

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