Sunday, January 30, 2011

Optimize your Positive Thoughts! With LOVE!!


Once you have found yourself
and accepted your aloneness,
then the greatest blessing is to share
the love that arises within you.
Each new moment presents
the richest opportunity to be loving.
And you can share love
in the simplest of ways.
Be soft and gentle.
Be caring and kind.
Be loving in an ordinary way,
without any sense
of wanting anything back,
Life offers you
the most precious gift.
The gift of allowing you
to be present and share love.  By Leonard Jacobson
We came here because the earth is abundant and alive--a rich, rich field
of lessons for us to learn.  The lessons are not comfortable,
because if we weren't challenged, it would mean that we didn't need
to learn these lessons of the soul:  courage, patience, faith, learning to love,
embracing eternal life, and the most magical lesson of all:  It's not what I do,
it's knowing I am.  We are here to learn about love, to let others love us,
to discover that love is a living force--real, broad, encompassing.
I have also learned that universal love is there for me,
and will be there for me, if I'm open to it and believe in it.   By Melody Beattie.

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