Sunday, January 23, 2011

Optimize your Positive Thoughts! Kiss Your Life by Leo Buscaglia .

Kiss Your Life by Leo Buscaglia .

Can you forgive?  Can you forget?  Can you say it's "OK"?  Can you say, "They are people, too"? and you take them in your arms and embrace them?  Then take your self in your arms.  Find out again that you are special, that you are unique, that you are wondrous, that in all the world there is only one of you.  Hug yourself, you sweet old thing!  Sure you've screwed up, and sometimes you do dumb things and you forget that you are a human being, but the most wonderful thing about you is that, no matter where you are, you have potential to grow.  You are just starting.  There is only this much of you now, and there is an infinite amount to discover and to find!  Don't spend your time crying!  Forgive others!  Forgiveyourself.  Forgive yourself for not being perfect.  And accept responsibility for your own life.
Nikos Kazantzakis says, "You have your brush, you have your colors, you paint paradise, then in you go."  Do it!!  Take orange and magenta and blue and purple. . . and green, and yellow--and paint your paradise.  You can do that!  You can do it right now.  It's your life that is essential.
It doesn't matter who you have hurt, if you've learned not to hurt again.  It doesn't matter what mistakes you've made as long as you don't make them again.  As long as you learn, as long as you're willing to take your life in your own hands, and kiss it and go on from there.  Then there is growth.  Then there is life!
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