Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Timeline By Jedediah Bennett Are first Camping Trip!

It was easter and it was still very cold but the boys were holding strong to going camping on easter.
So we got together and brain stormed about where we would go sense it was still really cold out there.
So going to the mountains was out of the question. And at this time all we had was are tents and sleeping bags and the little yellow Subaru and no dogs yet so we loaded up the yellow submarine and all are camping stuff and headed to the West Desert were the sun would be out all day and there would be no snow.

So with the whole family in the sub we started on the road to the desert full tank of gas and food coolers on top with are camping equipment the yellow submarine was loaded for bear. As we went out to the desert we all were looking around for a good spot but as we went farther we just seen the same things nothing looked like it would be fun to camp at.

Then my wife pointed to the back of Eagle Mountain and said lets go up there and see if there's a spot.
So off we went up this one little road that was made for the radio station on the top of the mountain but we were determined to find a spot that would be fun and exciting.

As we were going up the road the suby was having a tough time going over some big rocks the road was more for an off road truck or SUV we all looked at each other and i stopped when we did my wife said can the suby make it? I said ya will be fine and started going then when it started to look like we just drove up this mountain for nothing all the sudden there it was! This spot that a D9 or bigger had dug a big turn around spot for there equipment it was perfect we all pointed and cheered out loud! YAY! so we pulled in and set up camp.

We had so much fun up on that mountain that none of the kids will ever forget it. The funnest part i think was when we all played magic powers games and we had glow sticks each boy had a different color that was connected with a different power. And all never forget when my boy Brady stoped with a flash light and said dad don't move i seen something and when he turned it back on there was a tarantula about 6 inch's from my foot! WOW was that scary my whole family yelled out and the spider went down his little hole in the ground.
The next day we all went on hikes and watched the eagles fly all around then we even seen the mom and dad eagle teach there baby's how to hunt it was so cool they would use the ridge and fly down it so they could see both side's and take advantage of the whole view. This spot became a favorite spot for years to come for the spring time.

So that was are first camping trip together and will never be forgotten! And remember when things are tough and it might seem like you'll never get to where you want never give up because when you get there you will have more fun then you ever will in your life.

Jedediah Bennett   

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