Friday, May 6, 2011

Amazing Testimonials!

Swee S.
Country: USA
I am so pleased with Xtreme X2O. All my adult life I had been a very light sleeper. I thought I inherited this 'curse' from my mother until I started drinking X2O. My six year old daughter came up to me one morning and told me she came to my bedroom to tell me she had a bloody nose and I did't wake up so she went to her dad. I have never in my life not heard my children's little feet heading towards our bedroom while asleep. That was the first week using X2O. I slept so soundly I didn't hear her.

In the state of Idaho the air here is very dry and since i have moved here I developed a dry cough especially at night. I had always had a mug of water by my bed every night . After using X2O I am finally hydrated and I no longer need mug of water by my bed. The dry coughs are gone for good!

Two months into using X2O I noticed I looked slimmer in the mirror. I do water aerobics three times a week and I did lose some weight but I still had 10 to 20 pounds that I couldn't shed no matter how hard I exercise. Again X2O helped my lose that extra 20lbs I couldn't lose exercisng alone. I am back down to a size 6, which i hadn't been for the last 15 years!

My 18yr old daughter was diagnosed with high blood pressure but after using X2O, her blood pressure is regulated. It has been for over six months now.

My husband has also been off his thyroid medication for over six months now and his most recent lab test results still coming back normal, no meds needed!

Thank you so very much Xooma for creating Xtreme X2O!

Swee S.

Dorothy H.
State/Province:Elijay, GA
Country: USA
I have smoked cigarettes for more than 40 years.  Only once about 7 years ago - was I able to stop smoking for a year and a half, but eventually went back to smoking during a very stressful time in my life.  Needless to say - within 1 day I was right back smoking a half a pack a day.  I tried to quit several times since, but was never successful until recently.


After drinking Xtreme X2O for about a week, one morning I woke up and didn't have mu usual craving for a cigarette.  I decided to make another stab at quitting and planned it so that I finished my last cigarette right before going to bed.  The next morning I put on the nicotine patch and continued drinking my Xtreme X2O water.  A couple of times - I was really tempted, but I just drank more Xtreme X2O water and got through it.


I am still not smoking and I can honestly say - this was easy!  As a matter of fact, I didn't finish the entire two weeks worth of patches - I saved 3 (just in case I have an extreme craving).  Tomorrow will be 3 weeks - and no patches and no cravings.  Thank you, thank you, thank you - to the creator of Xooma.  It has helped me tremendously! 

Name Witheld by request ..

I want to THANK Xooma Worldwide for coming into my life...

What I am about say is something that I am not happy about saying.  After using drugs for a while, it has come to my belief that this product has helped me to stay off of them and make my life better. Xtreme X2O has helped get my body back to what I would call 'normal'.

Once again, I want to thank Xtreme X2O and for what it has done for me. 

Herbert B.
State/Province:Columbia, SC
Country: USA
On 1/31/1999, I awoke with a debilitating illness called Polymyalgia Rheumatica.  I had been to a number of doctors, but none of them helped me.  I was able to gain control of the symptoms with heavy dosages of Prednisone.  However, I still had a great deal of pain, especially in my feet.

I could not walk more than a few hundred feet without the pain becoming almost unbearable.  I have, on numerous occasions, put my feet in a bath of ice and water in order to get some relief.  I received my shipment of Xtreme X20 on Tues. 11/1.  On Saturday, I awoke pain free for the first time in over 6 1/2 years, and have remained pain free since that date.

I have received other benefits as well from taking Xtreme X2O. I sleep much better which, may be due to not having the pain as before, which did kept me awake, sometimes for most of the night. I look at this product as a gift from God in answers to my prayers for better health and also as a way to regain my financial stability. 

Chuck and Lori W.
State/Province:Canyon Lake, TX
Country: USA
Drinking Xtreme X2O has really helped us. Not only can I jog down the street now with no pain in my left knee, but Lori also has far less pain with her neck after several years due to car accidents.

This is the best part! My mother called yesterday and told me her checkup (due to a heart bypass last year) was great she is off of her blood thinner medication. In addition, her test for osteoporosis showed improved results. Her doctor said he had never seen that happen, and asked her what she was doing. She showed him the package of Xtreme X2O, and he told her to keep taking it!

Thanks Xooma! You’ve made an Xtreme difference in our lives. 

Carol L.
State/Province:Lake Havasu City, AZ
Country: USA
The first day my husband started using Xtreme X2O he went to the toilet at least 3 times and moved his bowels. He said at the end of the day, he seemed to be feeling better from his pneumonia which had kept lingering. That night I noticed he was sleeping more soundly with little to no rattling and wheezing in his chest. All this from two bottles of the Xtreme X2O treated water.

It is now 2 weeks later and I can’t believe this little bag is creating the dramatic turn around in my husband’s condition. He has emphysema and is still recovering from a cancer treatment he had 3 years ago and has been in remission for 2 years now. His immune system still hasn’t recovered and he is still subject to any little ailment that goes around.

In the 2 weeks of my husband starting with the Xtreme X2O treated water his pneumonia appears to have cleared up. He acts like he has more energy, smiles more often, and has a more positive outlook. He hasn’t had to use his oxygen tank once to support his breathing which he had to do quite often before.

We went for his regular checkup with our Pulmonary Disease Specialist last week and after the test found the oxygen saturation in his system steadied at 98%. It is usually around 93%. My husband hadn’t used the oxygen tank for a week or so before the test and didn’t have to use it when we returned to the car or back home which is the usual practice after an outing into town.

Understandably the doctor was curious as to why the big improvement and asked for more information on Xtreme X2O. I was prompted to record these experiences after realizing my husband and our grandson, who is sleeping over for the weekend, were out in the garage this morning cleaning, sorting and tidying up. With what I’m used to seeing, he should have been exhausted and laid out flat after yesterday’s pulling weeds and other things, with our grandson helping, from 10am to about 4pm.

I just find it hard to believe that a product like Xtreme X2O could make such a big difference in a person’s life in such a sort period of time. I would not have ever believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes. My husband has just mentioned that he’s not out of breath or doesn’t feel drained out. He’s tired but not exhausted and when breathing in deeply he’s not coughing or choking. Our grandson who is 16 years old can’t believe it is his real pop. My husband had turned into a very skeptical man since his chronic illnesses and hasn’t given much credit to anything that could help his condition. With the Xtreme X2O though, from the first day, he has been saying that he thinks this little bag is doing him good.

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