Focused less on what you need to do and more on what you need to be.
How many times have we talked about all the things we believe or want, but deep down we were unwilling to integrate the qualities that would attract them?
The following ten keys are guidelines. Read them and find ways to integrate them into your own life. You’ll notice that each one starts with the word be—for example, Be clear. That’s because they’re focused less on what you need to do and more on what you need to be.
- Be Clear. Clarity is one of the most important keys to manifesting what you want. If your thoughts aren’t clear, then the Universe , doesn’t know how or what to give you. If there’s something you’ve already determined for yourself, write a list of every detail you can think of, every attribute and characteristic that defines the goal. Look at this list often and add to it. Focus on the details as clearly as you can and imagine them in your mind.
- Be Open. Now you’re being asked to be open to anything the Universe may send in your direction that either amplifies or clarifies the desired goal. In reality, they are supportive. Once you’ve clearly defined the desired experience, you then open yourself to every possible variation. It’s as if you declare to the Universe: “This or more.”
- Be Willing. Your willingness to observe, absorb, and then release everything that comes into your consciousness will help determine how easily it flows into your life. Begin by observing what you desire and asking the following questions: Is it something that will serve more than your own self-interests? Does it genuinely inspire your heart?
- Be Happy. The more you realize that you deserve perfect joy and accept it, the more you become the kind of teacher the world needs most.
- Be Focused. Stay focused on what’s behind the goal rather than on the goal itself. Your mind doesn’t always know what’s best for you and a strict, unyielding mind-set might attract something that doesn’t serve your highest good, so opening to a flowing focus makes sense.
- Be Expectant. Always expect the best! Affirm that everything you desire will come to you easily and naturally. Energy flows where attention goes. If you’re focused on creating something but your inner thoughts are fixed on failure, that’s what you’ll attract. We’ve all heard the saying “Expect a miracle.” This is very good advice, because what you truly expect will always be yours.
- Be Energetic. The higher the impulse, the more energetic the response. In other words, your energy usually increases when you ask for what your soul really wants. Your heart is always a better barometer of what Heaven is choosing to add to your life.
- Be Positive. If you’re negative about what you’re trying to attract, the Universe will interpret your negativity as not wanting.
- Be True. Being true is the same as being honest—something that’s required if you want to successfully manifest your heart’s desire. You have to be honest with yourself.
- Be Grateful. Gratitude is perhaps the most important key to attracting everything you deserve. It’s the activating force that Source can’t deny, and the Universe bows to a heart filled with Divine appreciation. When someone is grateful for a gift you’ve offered or a small act of kindness you’ve shown, it makes you want to give even more. The Universe works in a similar way.
By James F. Twyman 
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