''Coming to appreciate your worth can, in some cases, dramatically improve your circumstances by changing the choices you make and the actions you take. And as you begin to treat yourself with more respect, other people begin to do the same, since we subconsciously "train" others how to treat us through messages we send through body language, tone of voice, and other subtle cues and behaviors. Discovering your innate worth and living from that place allows you to make more constructive choices--to choose the higher roads of life.'' Dan Millman
If you can learn to believe in yourself in a humble and honest way, your life will change without question. If you can make choices based on your knowledge of what is truly best, then your choices will benefit many people besides yourself. If you begin to live your life from a place of complete and true self-respect, you will be treated by others with dignity and respect. If your actions are the result of complete honesty and don't result from what you think others want you to do, your life will grow richer in ways you didn't think possible.
Life isn't about information or about making ourselves look good in the eyes of other people. Life is about finding out who we truly are and treating ourselves with dignity, respect, and love. When we start to treat ourselves that way, we become wonderful role models that others can look to when they want to change their lives for the better.
One of the most common words in the invalidating, self-blaming stories we believe about ourselves or our situations is the word “should.” The psychologist Albert Ellis has coined the phrase “Stop shoulding on yourself.” When you tell yourself that you should feel or be another way, you are likely to feel bad about yourself. As an alternative, try telling yourself that it is okay to feel or be the way you are, even though you have some idea that you should feel or be different.
Bill O’Hanlon
Bill O’Hanlon
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