pH Balance: What is pH and why does yours matter?
pH is one of the most important things your need to learn about in terms of health or disease. In order for your body’s cells to function at peak capacity, your body needs to ensure that its pH levels-especially your blood-are in a slightly alkaline state (that means with a pH of slightly more than 7).
Ph=the measure of hydrogen and oxygen ions (electrically charges particles) in a solution. Your blood, urine, saliva, digestive juices, mucus, and the fluids inside and outside your cells each have an optimum pH level. While your digestive juices are quite acidic, your blood must be slightly alkaline. Why should your blood be slightly alkaline?
One of its jobs is to carry oxygen-the basis for most of the biochemical reactions that sustain life-to cells in your body, so your blood has to be alkaline. Your body will buffer the acidity of your blood at all costs-your body won’t let your blood become acidic and therefore unable to carry oxygen-or you won’t survive.
Your body does this buffering by pulling alkaline minerals (especially calcium) from your saliva, soft tissues, and bones. Despite the constant buffering, many of your body fluids may be more acidic than they should be. A shortage of buffering agents, particularly dietary minerals like the ones found in Xtreme X2O, can make it a challenge for your body to maintain the pH it prefers. Alkaline conditions maintain your body’s ability to rebuild and repair itself, while an acidic environment ensures that your body will break down faster.