Monday, January 31, 2011
Jedediahs blog: Optimize your choice!!! Life is always a choice. E...
Jedediahs blog: Optimize your choice!!! Life is always a choice. E...: "Life is always a choice. Each of us has the power to choose, create and attract any lifestyle ... and the people in it. I want the people I..."
Optimize your choice!!! Life is always a choice. Each of us has the power to choose
Life is always a choice. Each of us has the power to choose, create and attract any lifestyle ... and the people in it. I want the people I interact with to know they are valued and appreciated. They make a difference.
And when they get it, I know I have made a difference. That's a great feeling, to know in your heart you've helped change someone's life.
And when they get it, I know I have made a difference. That's a great feeling, to know in your heart you've helped change someone's life.
DON'T start listing your friends & family. The MLM "Heavy Hitters" will toast them like a pop-tart.
"Listening To Michael Train & Show You
How To Use The Colors Philosophy Is Priceless"
How To Use The Colors Philosophy Is Priceless"
I learned about the colors years ago. I listen to the Colors Training constantly in the car. People get in my car and ask what the tapes are. Then they ask, "What color am I?" Understanding theColors trainings is valuable to anyone, anywhere who is interested in communicating and building any relationships.
In ONE hour on the "Color To Success" CD training,
you will learn the following:
you will learn the following:
- What does it tell you if you eat out with a prospect and they stack their dishes at the table?
- Why 90% of your recruits should NEVER sell to friends & family.
- Why your company & products have almost NO bearing on your success.
- The ONLY two things ANY prospect cares about.
- How to lower the tension level & raise the co-operation level.
- A phone script that is 90% successful.
- Why most approaches only appeal to 10% of the population.
You will learn EXACTLY how to talk with a prospect
for 3 minutes and find out the following:
for 3 minutes and find out the following:
- Is this a good team player?
- Is this person good at support?
- Is this prospect over-sensitive?
- Is this prospect creative?
- Does this prospect need to see the big picture rather than specific facts & figures?
- Does this prospect need specific facts & figures rather than the big picture?
- Is this prospect a self-starter?
- Will this prospect be a good promoter?
- Is this prospect unorganized or scattered?
- Is this prospect poor on follow-up?
- Does this prospect crave excitement?
- Is this prospect a perfectionist?
- Does this prospect consider themself the smartest person on the planet?
- Is this prospect a great planner?
- Is this prospect excellent at follow-up?
- Does this prospect excel at strategy?
- Is this prospect unteachable?
- Will this prospect be a top recruiter?
- Is this prospect strongly money-motivated?
- Will this prospect be a Leader?
- What is the best compensation plan for this prospect to work?
- And much, much more!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Jedediahs blog: Optimize life! You can make of your life anything ...
Jedediahs blog: Optimize life! You can make of your life anything ...: "You can make of your life anything you wish.''You have a masterpiece inside you, you know. One unlike any that has ever been crea..."
Optimize life! You can make of your life anything you wish.
You can make of your life anything you wish.
''You have a masterpiece inside you, you know. One unlike
any that has ever been created, or ever will be. If you
go to your grave without painting your masterpiece, it
will not get painted. No one else can paint it. Only you.'' Gordon MacKenzie
any that has ever been created, or ever will be. If you
go to your grave without painting your masterpiece, it
will not get painted. No one else can paint it. Only you.'' Gordon MacKenzie
Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good or bad luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests - whether they are events, illnesses or relationships - life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere. Safe and comfortable, but dull and utterly pointless. The people you meet who affect your life, and the successes and downfalls you experience, create who you are; even the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact, they are probably the most poignant and important ones.
If someone hurts you, betrays you or breaks your heart, forgive them, for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart to. If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally; not only because they love you, but because they are teaching you to love, and they are opening your heart and eyes to things you would have never seen or felt without them.
Make every day count. Appreciate every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can, for you may never be able to experience it again. Talk to people you have never talked to before, and actually listen. Let yourself fall in love, break free and set your sights high. Hold your head up because you have every right to. Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself; for if you don't believe in yourself, no one else will believe in you, either. You can make of your life anything you wish. Create your own life and then go out and live it.
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Jedediahs blog: Optimize your Positive Thoughts! With LOVE!!
Jedediahs blog: Optimize your Positive Thoughts! With LOVE!!: "LOVE Once you have found yourself and accepted your aloneness, then the greatest blessing is to share the love that arises within you. Each..."
Optimize your Positive Thoughts! With LOVE!!
Once you have found yourself
and accepted your aloneness,
then the greatest blessing is to share
the love that arises within you.
Each new moment presents
the richest opportunity to be loving.
And you can share love
in the simplest of ways.
Be soft and gentle.
Be caring and kind.
Be loving in an ordinary way,
without any sense
of wanting anything back,
Life offers you
the most precious gift.
The gift of allowing you
to be present and share love. By Leonard Jacobson
and accepted your aloneness,
then the greatest blessing is to share
the love that arises within you.
Each new moment presents
the richest opportunity to be loving.
And you can share love
in the simplest of ways.
Be soft and gentle.
Be caring and kind.
Be loving in an ordinary way,
without any sense
of wanting anything back,
Life offers you
the most precious gift.
The gift of allowing you
to be present and share love. By Leonard Jacobson
We came here because the earth is abundant and alive--a rich, rich field
of lessons for us to learn. The lessons are not comfortable,
because if we weren't challenged, it would mean that we didn't need
to learn these lessons of the soul: courage, patience, faith, learning to love,
embracing eternal life, and the most magical lesson of all: It's not what I do,
it's knowing I am. We are here to learn about love, to let others love us,
to discover that love is a living force--real, broad, encompassing.
I have also learned that universal love is there for me,
and will be there for me, if I'm open to it and believe in it. By Melody Beattie.
of lessons for us to learn. The lessons are not comfortable,
because if we weren't challenged, it would mean that we didn't need
to learn these lessons of the soul: courage, patience, faith, learning to love,
embracing eternal life, and the most magical lesson of all: It's not what I do,
it's knowing I am. We are here to learn about love, to let others love us,
to discover that love is a living force--real, broad, encompassing.
I have also learned that universal love is there for me,
and will be there for me, if I'm open to it and believe in it. By Melody Beattie.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
This is a man i'm related to Jacob Hamblin (1819-1886)
Jacob Hamblin (1819-1886) | |||||
Family Background 1819. April 2: Born Jacob Vernon Hamblin in Salem, Ohio, his family later homesteaded a large tract of land in Wisconsin. When he was nineteen, Hamblin worked in a lead mine but quit when the mine caved in, killing a co-worker. He married Lucinda Taylor in 1839 and later, Rachel Judd Henderson (1849), Priscilla Leavitt (1857), and Louisa Bonelli (1865). He was the father of twenty-four children. 1842. Hamblin was converted by the preaching of Elder Lyman Stoddard. When he told Lucinda that he intended to be baptized, she threatened to leave him. 1844. After two years in Nauvoo and a short mission in behalf of Joseph Smith's presidential candidacy, Hamblin moved his family west to Pottawattamie County, Iowa. Two years later, Hamblin and his three older children returned from a short trip to Council Bluffs to be met by Lucinda, who shoved thirteen-month-old Lyman under the fence to Jacob and screamed, "Take your little Mormon brats." "The family saw her for only one brief visit after this." Polygamist 1849. Hamblin married widow Rachel Judd Henderson of Council Bluffs eight months later. Having dreamed that he would marry her, he knocked on her door and announced, "My name is Jacob Hamblin, I was impressed to come to your home and ask you to be my wife." She replied, "I am Rachel Judd, and am willing to marry you, but it will be impossible for us to have children." Hamblin responded, "My name is Jacob, yours is Rachel, we will have two sons and shall name them Joseph and Benjamin." They also had three daughters. Peacemaker 1850. Sent to colonize Tooele the day of his arrival in Salt Lake. Though Indian depredations were common, Hamblin had a strong aversion to killing Indians. Assigned to bring in some Indian prisoners, he promised them safe conduct. Local authorities wanted to execute them on the spot, but Jacob stood between the Indians and the settlers, warning that it would be necessary to kill him first. 1853. Called to the Southern Indian Mission in Washington County, Utah. Four years later he established a Paiute mission in Santa Clara. He failed to convert many but suppressed the desire to give up and instead "gave vent to the mission impulse by making peace and by engaging in pathfinding and other services short of the redemptive effort." He became the "Mormon Leatherstocking" to Paiute, Piede, Moquis, Navajo, and Hopi Indians. "Dirty Finger Jake" 1857. Following a meeting with Brigham Young and twelve Indian chiefs in Salt Lake City, Hamblin returned to his summer home in Mountain Meadows to find evidence of a terrible massacre. "Oh! horrible!indeed was the sight. … The slain, numbering over one hundred men, women and children, had been interred by the inhabitants of Cedar City. At three places the wolves had disinterred the bodies, and stripping the bones of their flesh, had left them strewn in every direction. At one place I noticed nineteen wolves pulling out the bodies, and eating the flesh. … This was one of the gloomiest times I ever passed through." As a prosecution witness, Hamblin earned the animosity of John D. Lee, who was executed for his role in the massacre. To his dying day, Lee referred to Hamblin as "Dirty Finger Jake" or "The Fiend of Hell." "Apostle to the Lamanites" 1873. When three young Navajos were killed by non-Mormons near Richfield, Utah, Hamblin was invited to meet with the Navajos before they took revenge. After trying to convince the Navajos that Mormons had not been involved, he was told, "You must not think of going home, but your American friends might go if they start immediately after they witness your death." A tense, night-long council ensued, during which Hamblin's fifteen-year record with Indians was reviewed. After answering their questions and justifying his actions, he was finally released. "Again has the promise been verified, which was given me by the Spirit many years before, that if I would not thirst for the blood of the Lamanites, I should never die by their hands." 1876. Considered by many to have known the Indians of Utah and northern Arizona "better than any one who ever lived," Hamblin was ordained "Apostle to the Lamanites" by Brigham Young. However, he never served as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve. "Red Men Rules" "Some of my rules and ways to managing Indians: " "2nd. I think it useless to speak of things they cannot comprehend."3rd. I strive by all means to never let them see me in a passion."4th. Under no circumstances show fear."5th. Never approach them in an austere manner; nor use more words than is necessary to convey my ideas; nor in a higher tone of voice, than to be distinctly heard."6th. Always listen to them."7th. I never allow them to hear me use any obscene language."8th. I never submit to any unjust demands or submit to coercion."9th. I have tried to observe the above rules for the past twenty years and it has given me a salutary influence wherever I have met with them. Many times when I have visited isolated bands upon business and have been addressing them in a low tone of voice around their council fires, I have noticed that they have listened with attention and reverence. I believe if the rules that I have mentioned were observed there would be but little difficulty on our frontier with the Red man." Death 1886. Anti-polygamy pressure had forced Jacob and his families into New Mexico. Contracting malaria while living in Pleasanton, the sixty-seven-year-old Hamblin weakened in health and died August 31. Initially buried in Pleasanton, he was re-interred in 1888 in the Alpine, Arizona, Cemetery. |
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Optimize your life! You can change your attitude and change your life.
You can change your attitude and change your life.
''Be gentle with yourself,learn to love yourself,to forgive yourself,
for only as we have the right attitude toward ourselves can we have
the right attitude toward others.'' Wilferd A. Peterson.
You can have a positive attitude about the events in your life , or you can come from a place of complaint and misery.You decide.You can consciously choose to respond in a positive way to almost any event or circumstance-a positive attitude is simple a choice you make.
Now we all know people with negative attitudes .They are the ones who constantly complain , whine , and moan. Nothing seems to go right for them. They are the perpetual victims in life. This is because they are operating at a lower frequency , and through the Law of Attraction they are attracting even more to complain about. The reason they tend to stay ''stuck''in their negative lifestyles is because they are constantly focusing their thoughts and energy on their negative present and negative past. By doing so , they are creating the same future over and over.
On the other hand , we also know people with positive attitudes-the ones who always seemto be happy , the ones who really seem to have a handle on things in their life. They are more fun , their energy feels great to be around , and they are operating at a higher frequency.
Surround yourself with these positive , nourishing , uplifting people whenever you can. Spend your time with spiritually evolved people who encourage your growth and applaud your successes. Wrap yourself in a support network of inspirational people with positive attitudes and energy.
Jack Canfield.
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''Be gentle with yourself,learn to love yourself,to forgive yourself,
for only as we have the right attitude toward ourselves can we have
the right attitude toward others.'' Wilferd A. Peterson.
You can have a positive attitude about the events in your life , or you can come from a place of complaint and misery.You decide.You can consciously choose to respond in a positive way to almost any event or circumstance-a positive attitude is simple a choice you make.
Now we all know people with negative attitudes .They are the ones who constantly complain , whine , and moan. Nothing seems to go right for them. They are the perpetual victims in life. This is because they are operating at a lower frequency , and through the Law of Attraction they are attracting even more to complain about. The reason they tend to stay ''stuck''in their negative lifestyles is because they are constantly focusing their thoughts and energy on their negative present and negative past. By doing so , they are creating the same future over and over.
On the other hand , we also know people with positive attitudes-the ones who always seemto be happy , the ones who really seem to have a handle on things in their life. They are more fun , their energy feels great to be around , and they are operating at a higher frequency.
Surround yourself with these positive , nourishing , uplifting people whenever you can. Spend your time with spiritually evolved people who encourage your growth and applaud your successes. Wrap yourself in a support network of inspirational people with positive attitudes and energy.
Jack Canfield.
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Wednesday, January 26, 2011
The drive up to Eureka a miner town down south utah its kind of spooky!
So much fun today going up tp Eureka a 1800's mining town that is way cool and spooky to theres something about the little town so quite and neat its like a bowl from one side to the other. a perfect bowl settled up in the mountains. Up on one side on the mine side has some old 1800's mansions all set in really sweet spots of course sense they owned the town. Then the rest of the town was all the miners homes as you go down the bowl in to town. All the homes are just little cracker jack boxes.The coolest little homes you can tell they were built around the turn of the century and older. So this is the crazy part the people were all part of the good old GOLD RUSH! And all made good money but the owners made the most. And left to live another place with there money. One owner was Porter Rockwell well any way the people that still lived there were contaminates of lead poison and most died! When my wife and i go through this town its just crazy to think about its history and what all went down is this town.Think im going to look in to the story some more this place is a trip if you've ever been there you'd no what i mean.
All get the pic's i took and put them in my next blog about THIS CRAZY MINER GHOST TOWN!
Thanks for enjoying this post! as a new thing in my BOLg you'll start seeing small stories poping in alot!
Jedediah Bennett
All get the pic's i took and put them in my next blog about THIS CRAZY MINER GHOST TOWN!
Thanks for enjoying this post! as a new thing in my BOLg you'll start seeing small stories poping in alot!
Jedediah Bennett
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Optimize your time! So if you're waiting for tomorrow, why not do it today?
So if you're waiting for tomorrow, why not do it today?
If I knew it would be the last time, I could spare an extra minute or two to stop and say "I love you," instead of assuming, you would know I do.
For surely there's always tomorrow to make up for an oversight, and we always get a second chance to make everything right.
There will always be another day to say our "I love you's", And certainly there's another chance to say our "Anything I can do's?"
But just in case I might be wrong, and today is all I get, I'd like to say how much I love you and I hope we never forget, Tomorrow is not promised to anyone, young or old alike, And today may be the last chance you get to hold your loved one tight.
So if you're waiting for tomorrow, why not do it today?
For if tomorrow never comes, you'll surely regret the day, That you didn't take that extra time for a smile, a hug, or a kiss and you were too busy to grant someone, what turned out to be their one last wish.
So hold your loved ones close today, whisper in their ear, Tell them how much you love them and that you'll always hold them dear, Take time to say "I'm sorry," "please forgive me," "thank you" or "it's okay".
And if tomorrow never comes, you'll have no regrets about today.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
"You can not always control circumstances, but you can control your own thoughts." Charles Popplestown
Posted by Jedediah D.Bennett at 7:47 PM 0 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Google Buzz
So amazing! all my networks together as one cool friends check out ping but dont be informal use it as a tool to help get your powerful message across!
Jedediah Bennett
Posted by Jedediah D.Bennett at 7:46 PM 0 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Google Buzz
Jedediahs blog: Consciousness Drives The Universe
Jedediahs blog: Consciousness Drives The Universe: "Consciousness Drives The Outstanding video which depicts that consciousness is what drives and shapes everything. T..."
Posted by Jedediah D.Bennett at 2:42 PM 0 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Google Buzz
Consciousness Drives The Universe
Consciousness Drives The Universe
Outstanding video which depicts that consciousness is what drives and shapes everything. This means ultimately everything in the universe and that even matter is consciousness in the most subtlest and dense form. This video has Grant Morrisson, David Lynch, David Icke, Gregg Braden, Michael Talb
“Consciousness is at the source and base of all, minds, thought and matter.” When we change our frequency or vibration of consciousness, we change ourselves and our world…
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Posted by Jedediah D.Bennett at 2:38 PM 0 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Google Buzz
MLM is a wonderful industry, but it has one ENORMOUS failing.
New people do not get trained.
They're like babies left in the woods. No hope of survival.
Mentoring for Free
If that is you, then we can help. I commit to you that we will mentor you to become successful & profitable in this business, no matter what company you are with. From: Michael Dlouhy founder of mentoring for free don't get left behind go to the top with this mastermind group!
Posted by Jedediah D.Bennett at 2:17 PM 0 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Google Buzz
Big mlm lies!!! BY MENTORING FOR FREE do you need the keys to help you find a great company?
Jedediah Bennett
I'll give you a complete, soup-to-nuts system to build your empire in ANY network marketing company!
Got a great MLM company, but NO upline support? Or do you need the keys to help you find a great company?
Get it all in "Success In 10 Steps." You'll learn how to:
Critical: Brand YOURSELF. Yes, promote YOURSELF, not some company - get the best long-term value for your ad dollars!
Learn to spot the companies that will steal your paycheck - and there are PLENTY of those rascals!
Find and bond with income partners who will become lifelong friends, who stay with you forever.
Generate your own leads, so you'll know they're good. Would you buy a blood transfusion online? Think of your leads the same way.
No matter what company you're in, you can use OUR team training to build your OWN business! I pledge to support you.
And much, much more!
You'll learn insider secrets from 26 years in network marketing. NO affiliate links. No companies are mentioned. It's just the straight scoop. It's free. "Success In 10 Steps" is the Complete Network Marketer's Desk Reference. enjoy and don't get toasted like a pop tart!!!!
"You can not always control circumstances, but you can control your own thoughts." Charles Popplestown
Posted by Jedediah D.Bennett at 7:47 PM 0 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Google Buzz
So amazing! all my networks together as one cool friends check out ping but dont be informal use it as a tool to help get your powerful message across!
Jedediah Bennett
Posted by Jedediah D.Bennett at 7:46 PM 0 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Google Buzz
Jedediahs blog: Consciousness Drives The Universe
Jedediahs blog: Consciousness Drives The Universe: "Consciousness Drives The Outstanding video which depicts that consciousness is what drives and shapes everything. T..."
Posted by Jedediah D.Bennett at 2:42 PM 0 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Google Buzz
Consciousness Drives The Universe
Consciousness Drives The Universe
Outstanding video which depicts that consciousness is what drives and shapes everything. This means ultimately everything in the universe and that even matter is consciousness in the most subtlest and dense form. This video has Grant Morrisson, David Lynch, David Icke, Gregg Braden, Michael Talb
“Consciousness is at the source and base of all, minds, thought and matter.” When we change our frequency or vibration of consciousness, we change ourselves and our world…
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Video of the Week - I Know by David Lynch (
Jeanne Ball: David Lynch Talks About the Benefits of Meditation (
What Are They Thinking?: David Lynch, Russell Brand, and Donna Karan (
Sean Young's Documentation of Making Dune With David Lynch in 1983 (
Posted by Jedediah D.Bennett at 2:38 PM 0 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Google Buzz
MLM is a wonderful industry, but it has one ENORMOUS failing.
New people do not get trained.
They're like babies left in the woods. No hope of survival.
Mentoring for Free
If that is you, then we can help. I commit to you that we will mentor you to become successful & profitable in this business, no matter what company you are with. From: Michael Dlouhy founder of mentoring for free don't get left behind go to the top with this mastermind group!
Posted by Jedediah D.Bennett at 2:17 PM 0 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Google Buzz
Big mlm lies!!! BY MENTORING FOR FREE do you need the keys to help you find a great company?
Jedediah Bennett
I'll give you a complete, soup-to-nuts system to build your empire in ANY network marketing company!
Got a great MLM company, but NO upline support? Or do you need the keys to help you find a great company?
Get it all in "Success In 10 Steps." You'll learn how to:
Critical: Brand YOURSELF. Yes, promote YOURSELF, not some company - get the best long-term value for your ad dollars!
Learn to spot the companies that will steal your paycheck - and there are PLENTY of those rascals!
Find and bond with income partners who will become lifelong friends, who stay with you forever.
Generate your own leads, so you'll know they're good. Would you buy a blood transfusion online? Think of your leads the same way.
No matter what company you're in, you can use OUR team training to build your OWN business! I pledge to support you.
And much, much more!
You'll learn insider secrets from 26 years in network marketing. NO affiliate links. No companies are mentioned. It's just the straight scoop. It's free. "Success In 10 Steps" is the Complete Network Marketer's Desk Reference. enjoy and don't get toasted like a pop tart!!!!
Jedediahs blog: Consciousness Drives The Universe
Jedediahs blog: Consciousness Drives The Universe: "Consciousness Drives The Outstanding video which depicts that consciousness is what drives and shapes everything. T..."
Consciousness Drives The Universe
Outstanding video which depicts that consciousness is what drives and shapes everything. This means ultimately everything in the universe and that even matter is consciousness in the most subtlest and dense form. This video has Grant Morrisson, David Lynch, David Icke, Gregg Braden, Michael Talb
“Consciousness is at the source and base of all, minds, thought and matter.” When we change our frequency or vibration of consciousness, we change ourselves and our world…
Related articles
- Video of the Week - I Know by David Lynch (
- Jeanne Ball: David Lynch Talks About the Benefits of Meditation (
- What Are They Thinking?: David Lynch, Russell Brand, and Donna Karan (
- Sean Young's Documentation of Making Dune With David Lynch in 1983 (
MLM is a wonderful industry, but it has one ENORMOUS failing.
New people do not get trained.
They're like babies left in the woods. No hope of survival.
If that is you, then we can help. I commit to you that we will mentor you to become successful & profitable in this business, no matter what company you are with. From: Michael Dlouhy founder of mentoring for free don't get left behind go to the top with this mastermind group!
Big mlm lies!!! BY MENTORING FOR FREE do you need the keys to help you find a great company?
Jedediah Bennett | I'll give you a complete, soup-to-nuts system to build your empire in ANY network marketing company! Got a great MLM company, but NO upline support? Or do you need the keys to help you find a great company? |
Get it all in "Success In 10 Steps." You'll learn how to:
- Critical: Brand YOURSELF. Yes, promote YOURSELF, not some company - get the best long-term value for your ad dollars!
- Learn to spot the companies that will steal your paycheck - and there are PLENTY of those rascals!
- Find and bond with income partners who will become lifelong friends, who stay with you forever.
- Generate your own leads, so you'll know they're good. Would you buy a blood transfusion online? Think of your leads the same way.
- No matter what company you're in, you can use OUR team training to build your OWN business! I pledge to support you.
- And much, much more!
You'll learn insider secrets from 26 years in network marketing. NO affiliate links. No companies are mentioned. It's just the straight scoop. It's free. "Success In 10 Steps" is the Complete Network Marketer's Desk Reference.
Jedediahs blog: Optimize the Power of Positive Thoughts!
Jedediahs blog: Optimize the Power of Positive Thoughts!: "The Power of Positive Thoughts.Your emotions let you know how much Source Energy you are summoning in this moment by virtue of the des..."
Optimize the Power of Positive Thoughts!
The Power of Positive Thoughts.
Your emotions let you know how much Source Energy you are summoning in this moment by virtue of the desire you hold in this moment. They also let you know whether your preponderance of thought on the subject matches your desire, or matches the absence of your desire.
You have the ability to direct your own thoughts; you have the option of observing things as they are, or of imagining them as you want them to be—and whichever option you choose, whether you are imagining or observing, is equally powerful. You have the option of remembering something as it actually occurred or imagining it as you would prefer. You have the option of remembering something that pleased you or remembering something that did not please you. You have the option of anticipating something you want or anticipating something you do not want. In every case, your thoughts produce a vibration within you that equals your point of attraction, and then circumstances and events line up to match the vibrations that you have offered
Your emotions do not create, but they do indicate what you are currently attracting. If your emotions are helping you know that your choice of thoughts is not taking you in the direction that you desire to go, then do something about that:Replenish your connection by choosing better-feeling thoughts. DOWNLOAD THIS FR-EE! EBOOK AND BE FREE!
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Monday, January 24, 2011
powerfulnetworkingsecrets By Mentoring for free
optimize your networking secrets"In Just 94 Pages, I'll Teach You How To Build Lifelong Business & Personal Relationships that will last for ever! http://jedediah.powerfulnetwor
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Optimize your Positive Thoughts!!Making a stand for what you want by Alan Cohen.
Making a stand for what you want by Alan Cohen.
''Success is getting what you want; happiness is wanting what you get.''Unknown
When you are open to receive a better situation than you have experienced, the universe will deliver it. The more you focus on why things are not working, the more things don’t work. The more you focus on what is working, or how things could work, the more things work.
Your mind is extremely powerful. It is literally generating your world. Take care that you argue for your possibilities rather than your limits. You will get whatever you make a stand for, so make a stand for what you want.
How might you become an advocate for your goals rather than your roadblocks?
I assume ownership of my world. I am open to receive my good . . . no buts about it!
''I believe that you control your destiny, that you can be what you want to be. You can also stop and say, No, I won't do it, I won't behave his way anymore. I'm lonely and I need people around me, maybe I have to change my methods of behaving and then you do it.''
Leo Buscaglia
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Sunday, January 23, 2011
Optimize your Positive Thoughts! Practice Forgiveness .
Practice Forgiveness .
''One forgives to the degree that one loves. '' Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Anytime you’re filled with resentment, you’re turning the controls of your emotional life over to others to manipulate.
Removing resentment and blame from your life means never assigning responsibility to anyone for what you’re experiencing. It means that you’re willing to say, “I may not understand why I feel this way, why I have this illness, why I’ve been victimized, or why I had this accident, but I’m willing to say without any guilt or resentment that I own it. I live with, and I am responsible for, having it in my life.” Why do this? If you take responsibility for having it, then at least you have a chance to also take responsibility for removing it or learning from it.
First, you have to get past blame. Then you have to learn to send love to all, rather than anger and resentment. Just as no one can define you, neither do you have the privilege of defining others. When you stop judging and simply become an observer, you will know inner peace. With that sense of inner peace, you’ll find yourself free of the negative energy of resentment, and you’ll be able to live a life of contentment. A bonus is that you’ll find that others are much more attracted to you. A peaceful person attracts peaceful energy.
At the root of virtually all spiritual practice is the notion of forgiveness. Think about every single person who has ever harmed you, cheated you, defrauded you, or said unkind things about you. Your experience of them is nothing more that a thought that you carry around with you. These thoughts of resentment, anger, and hatred represent slow, debilitating energies that will disempower you. If you could release them, you would know more peace.
You practice forgiveness for two reasons: to let others know that you no longer wish to be in a state of hostility with them and to free yourself from the self-defeating energy of resentment. Send love in some form to those you feel have wronged you and notice how much better you feel.
Wayne Dyer Click Here
''Forgiveness means letting go of a hurtful situation
and moving on with your own happiness.'' Amanda Ford
and moving on with your own happiness.'' Amanda Ford
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Optimize your Positive Thoughts! Kiss Your Life by Leo Buscaglia .
Kiss Your Life by Leo Buscaglia .
Can you forgive? Can you forget? Can you say it's "OK"? Can you say, "They are people, too"? and you take them in your arms and embrace them? Then take your self in your arms. Find out again that you are special, that you are unique, that you are wondrous, that in all the world there is only one of you. Hug yourself, you sweet old thing! Sure you've screwed up, and sometimes you do dumb things and you forget that you are a human being, but the most wonderful thing about you is that, no matter where you are, you have potential to grow. You are just starting. There is only this much of you now, and there is an infinite amount to discover and to find! Don't spend your time crying! Forgive others! Forgiveyourself. Forgive yourself for not being perfect. And accept responsibility for your own life.
Nikos Kazantzakis says, "You have your brush, you have your colors, you paint paradise, then in you go." Do it!! Take orange and magenta and blue and purple. . . and green, and yellow--and paint your paradise. You can do that! You can do it right now. It's your life that is essential.
It doesn't matter who you have hurt, if you've learned not to hurt again. It doesn't matter what mistakes you've made as long as you don't make them again. As long as you learn, as long as you're willing to take your life in your own hands, and kiss it and go on from there. Then there is growth. Then there is life!
Will YOUR MLM Company Really Send You The Checks You've Earned?? By Mnetoring for free
In a little over 1 hour on the "5 Pillars of Success" CD
training, you will learn the following:
The key factor to look for in your network marketing company management.
A prime example of how reps get mezmerized by management ... and wind up losing big.
All the key facts you MUST know about a company - and where those facts are readily available.
Why it's so critical that your company management have downline building experience.
The quick, easy way to get your company to change a policy you don't like.
Signs that that tell you your company is about to make big changes that will impact your income.
Being too soon or too late will cost you time & money. How to evaluate the "timing" in joining a company.
A simple online tool you can use to determine whether the timing is right for a product.
Why it's so critical your company have an overseas presence ... and it's NOT for profit!
One of the biggest mistakes many companies make ... if they do this, their VENDORS can steal your downline!
How to attract people to YOU as a sponsor.
How to sponsor reps who don't even KNOW or CARE what company you're with.
If a company does THIS, watch out! They are actively STOPPING leaders from developing.
Why MLM is NOT a sales business - and what happens if you try to turn it into one.
How to find the best people.
The key feature to look for in a comp plan ... this feature means you have a chance to be massively successful.
When to walk away from a company
The BEST basis for your commission - it's very advantageous to you if a company figures it this way.
What you MUST do before you can evaluate a comp plan.
What to look for in a product & the BEST way to choose your product.
Why you should look for the Purple Cow in Texas!
A big product mistake most networkers make.
The biggest mistake everybody makes in network marketing, and how to avoid it.
Why you should build leaders, not steal them.
A successful system you can use.
What some crazy people in this business say ...
And much, much more!
"Many Thanks For This Much-Needed,
Highly Valuable Education"
As a Financial / Business Advisor, I thought I was highly trained in the area of conducting "due diligence." That's what I DO for my clients. I also felt I pretty much knew all the ins and outs and loopholes when it came to EVALUATING any Network Marketing Company.
I was dead wrong! This CD makes me feel like I've gone back to Business University! We discover that, if "any" of the identified "5 Pillars" are missing, when evaluating a company - the chances of achieving success in that company are very poor.
As a planned project, industry legend Michael Dlouhy - during his 26-years in this industry - joined over 100 NWM companies. He learned all the "dirty little secrets". Wow! Michael, Dave Cones & Richard Dennis take us to places we "must" know about to ever accomplish the success we deserve in our Home Businesses.
Peter Arnold
"Because of This Information,
I've Found The Last Business I'll Ever Need!"
Listening to this information gives you a crystal ball when it comes to picking the right business opportunity. Because of it, I have found the last business I'll ever need. Thanks so much.
Dr. Herb Oliver
"'Five Pillars' Taught Me How To Wade
Through The Corporate Gobbledegook!"
The "Five Pillars of Success" information has been crucial to me in evaluating network marketing companies. Michael explains so clearly how to look for a home company suited to your particular personality traits.
Different makes of cars suit different people, and different kinds of network marketing companies suit different personalities.
I learned from Michael how to wade through the corporate gobbldegook. He is a real find. Michael actually tells the truth about network marketing!
David Trujillo
"5 Pillars" Gives You a Simple Way To Evaluate
ALL The Areas Critical To Your Long-Term Success
I'm really serious about creating long-term, walk-away (residual) income. Michael's "5 Pillars" training helped me recognize all the areas I need to evaluate to get the result I want.
A lot of people make poor choices based on emotions and limited information in 1 or 2 areas that are important to them. They don't consider ALL the areas that are critically important from a business perspective.
And if you've struggled in the past, "5 Pillars" helps you realize that 'failure' wasn't your fault! The deck was stacked against you.
This realization helps get your belief and confidence level back and you get back on the road to success much quicker.
Mike Duffey
"Without '5 Pillars', I'd Spend A Good
Chunk of My Life Struggling & Frustrated."
Without "5 Pillars", I probably would have decided that network marketing worked for others, but I could never be successful at it.
I used to think compensation plans and policies of major network marketing companies were all pretty much the same, and the percentage paid to distributors was just about the same.
But I now know this was just my optimistic, trusting pre-conceived notion - and far from truth. Thanks to "5 Pillars of Success." When I run into another networker, I cannot help telling him or her about "5 Pillars."
Mayumi Koide
"Picking The Right Company Was Critical For Me"
I knew I'd get wealthy in the right place. The problem was, I had no real idea what to look for.
I'd find a company with part of the answer here and part of the answer there, but never the whole package. Heck ... I didn't even know what the whole package should look like.
I was confused. Without the knowledge and understanding of what to look for in choosing my company ... my home ... I was likely to spend my money and time in the wrong place.
When I finally heard the "5 Pillars" training, the picture began to focus. It gave me substantial information to search out my lifetime company, the vehicle for success.
Michael's training helped me make a solid decision on the company I now call home. I'm having success I never had before. Without this training, I'd have made another bad choice with more failure.
Instead, I have a place I'm proud to call home and proud to tell people about. I can easily point out the "5 Pillars" that give me the security for my future.
Fran Santoro
"All I Can Say is 'WOW', Michael!"
You sure know how to get down in the dirt and tell it like it is.
Learning about the "5 Pillars" has been a turning point in my 9+ year NWM career. Thanks for putting the power back into the hands of distributors everywhere... companies have been having their way with us for far too long.
Your information has given me the knowledge and skills I was missing! I can now make the moves to get what I want most of all ... a worry free retirement.
Thank-you for being you.
Andrea Goodsaid
Order "5 Pillars of Success" CD
training, you will learn the following:
The key factor to look for in your network marketing company management.
A prime example of how reps get mezmerized by management ... and wind up losing big.
All the key facts you MUST know about a company - and where those facts are readily available.
Why it's so critical that your company management have downline building experience.
The quick, easy way to get your company to change a policy you don't like.
Signs that that tell you your company is about to make big changes that will impact your income.
Being too soon or too late will cost you time & money. How to evaluate the "timing" in joining a company.
A simple online tool you can use to determine whether the timing is right for a product.
Why it's so critical your company have an overseas presence ... and it's NOT for profit!
One of the biggest mistakes many companies make ... if they do this, their VENDORS can steal your downline!
How to attract people to YOU as a sponsor.
How to sponsor reps who don't even KNOW or CARE what company you're with.
If a company does THIS, watch out! They are actively STOPPING leaders from developing.
Why MLM is NOT a sales business - and what happens if you try to turn it into one.
How to find the best people.
The key feature to look for in a comp plan ... this feature means you have a chance to be massively successful.
When to walk away from a company
The BEST basis for your commission - it's very advantageous to you if a company figures it this way.
What you MUST do before you can evaluate a comp plan.
What to look for in a product & the BEST way to choose your product.
Why you should look for the Purple Cow in Texas!
A big product mistake most networkers make.
The biggest mistake everybody makes in network marketing, and how to avoid it.
Why you should build leaders, not steal them.
A successful system you can use.
What some crazy people in this business say ...
And much, much more!
"Many Thanks For This Much-Needed,
Highly Valuable Education"
As a Financial / Business Advisor, I thought I was highly trained in the area of conducting "due diligence." That's what I DO for my clients. I also felt I pretty much knew all the ins and outs and loopholes when it came to EVALUATING any Network Marketing Company.
I was dead wrong! This CD makes me feel like I've gone back to Business University! We discover that, if "any" of the identified "5 Pillars" are missing, when evaluating a company - the chances of achieving success in that company are very poor.
As a planned project, industry legend Michael Dlouhy - during his 26-years in this industry - joined over 100 NWM companies. He learned all the "dirty little secrets". Wow! Michael, Dave Cones & Richard Dennis take us to places we "must" know about to ever accomplish the success we deserve in our Home Businesses.
Peter Arnold
"Because of This Information,
I've Found The Last Business I'll Ever Need!"
Listening to this information gives you a crystal ball when it comes to picking the right business opportunity. Because of it, I have found the last business I'll ever need. Thanks so much.
Dr. Herb Oliver
"'Five Pillars' Taught Me How To Wade
Through The Corporate Gobbledegook!"
The "Five Pillars of Success" information has been crucial to me in evaluating network marketing companies. Michael explains so clearly how to look for a home company suited to your particular personality traits.
Different makes of cars suit different people, and different kinds of network marketing companies suit different personalities.
I learned from Michael how to wade through the corporate gobbldegook. He is a real find. Michael actually tells the truth about network marketing!
David Trujillo
"5 Pillars" Gives You a Simple Way To Evaluate
ALL The Areas Critical To Your Long-Term Success
I'm really serious about creating long-term, walk-away (residual) income. Michael's "5 Pillars" training helped me recognize all the areas I need to evaluate to get the result I want.
A lot of people make poor choices based on emotions and limited information in 1 or 2 areas that are important to them. They don't consider ALL the areas that are critically important from a business perspective.
And if you've struggled in the past, "5 Pillars" helps you realize that 'failure' wasn't your fault! The deck was stacked against you.
This realization helps get your belief and confidence level back and you get back on the road to success much quicker.
Mike Duffey
"Without '5 Pillars', I'd Spend A Good
Chunk of My Life Struggling & Frustrated."
Without "5 Pillars", I probably would have decided that network marketing worked for others, but I could never be successful at it.
I used to think compensation plans and policies of major network marketing companies were all pretty much the same, and the percentage paid to distributors was just about the same.
But I now know this was just my optimistic, trusting pre-conceived notion - and far from truth. Thanks to "5 Pillars of Success." When I run into another networker, I cannot help telling him or her about "5 Pillars."
Mayumi Koide
"Picking The Right Company Was Critical For Me"
I knew I'd get wealthy in the right place. The problem was, I had no real idea what to look for.
I'd find a company with part of the answer here and part of the answer there, but never the whole package. Heck ... I didn't even know what the whole package should look like.
I was confused. Without the knowledge and understanding of what to look for in choosing my company ... my home ... I was likely to spend my money and time in the wrong place.
When I finally heard the "5 Pillars" training, the picture began to focus. It gave me substantial information to search out my lifetime company, the vehicle for success.
Michael's training helped me make a solid decision on the company I now call home. I'm having success I never had before. Without this training, I'd have made another bad choice with more failure.
Instead, I have a place I'm proud to call home and proud to tell people about. I can easily point out the "5 Pillars" that give me the security for my future.
Fran Santoro
"All I Can Say is 'WOW', Michael!"
You sure know how to get down in the dirt and tell it like it is.
Learning about the "5 Pillars" has been a turning point in my 9+ year NWM career. Thanks for putting the power back into the hands of distributors everywhere... companies have been having their way with us for far too long.
Your information has given me the knowledge and skills I was missing! I can now make the moves to get what I want most of all ... a worry free retirement.
Thank-you for being you.
Andrea Goodsaid
Order "5 Pillars of Success" CD
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