not to slam on the drink it was good loved it but the company was on its was to its doom!!
And i was all happy that they were going to be the biggest thing to hit facebook remember this and when the day came and facebook block anything and everything from efusjon
that really made me blue towards efusjon what i thought was going to spring this company into its great success boy was that a switch but i didn't care i still tryed as hard as i could every way i could but the way thy told me to go get three and then help them get there three was not working at all and go get your friends and family quick make your list! just stupid! it might if worked in the 80's but not now i didn't now that so i did what i was told,
But everyone knows that network marketing is a relationship business people join or buy from someone thy KNOW, LIKE,AND TRUST.
here's my first associtate's link she's a successful appraiser that joined my team.
and if you need an appraisal in utah go here
here some more on facebook's power!